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Prof. Yu Wang will orally present some 3FiRES research outcomes during the 4th European Symposium on Fire Safety Science – ESFSS 2024 in Barcelona, Spain (October 9-11, 2024), with the contribution "Thermal performance of photovoltaic panels with different inclinations under uniform thermal loading", co-authored by Chengming Xiao, Chiara Bedon and Yu Wang. The European Symposium will be hosted by the Centre for Technological Risk Studies (CERTEC), a research group affiliated to the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona
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The program of the first workshop is now available. Here more details about the location.
Following some pictures of the event:
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The patent "Thermal-mechanical coupling test system and methodology for structures under simulated fire conditions", by Yu Wang, Wei Chu, Jun Fang, Yahong Ou (patent number 202410451094.8), has been granted by the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA)
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BANDO DI CONCORSO PER UNA BORSA DI RICERCA SENIOR / JUNIOR POST-LAUREAM sul tema dal titolo: “Studio avanzato e analisi termo-meccanica di componenti e sistemi BIPV innovativi esposti a temperature elevate e incendio” SSD CEAR-07/A – Tecnica delle Costruzioni (ICAR/09)
Responsabile: Prof.ssa Chiara BEDON
Link al bando: https://amm.units.it/node/51876/borse/pub